My name is Melissa McCallum, and I attended St. Thomas University as well as have an Early Childhood Education Degree. My employment history includes working as an After-School Co-ordinator at Royal Road Elementary School and teaching Preschool at the UNB Early Childhood Centre. I have worked at Little Geniuse Day Care since we poened our doors in 2011, and took ownership in 2022. I have completed the New Brunswick Early Learning and Child Care Curriculum Framework training and continue to attend professional development workshops. In addition, I faciliate Programs of Professional Learning and my work has been featured in the Early Childhood Care & Education New Brunswick’s (ECCENB) “Growing Together” journal, as well as in the article “Celebrating Inclusion in the Early Years – Behavioural Interventions in a Child Care Context,” published by Autism Learning Partnership. I have been interviewed on various topics such as physical literacy, health guidlines, and current childcare guidlines. In my free time, I enjoy photography, art, and spending time with my children.